Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hope Springs Eternal!

Well, I have a second new customer...maybe, kinda, sorta??! A gal who has two retired QH show mares (she already keeps them barefoot). Unfortunately, she is a bit "weather sensitive" and has no barn, so we left it for her to call me to come on a "good weather" day! Fortunately, she lives just a few miles from me, so it should be no problem to just run on over whenever she does call. Hopefully, it will be BEFORE Spring!!! LOL!

Step by step, horse by horse....that's how it goes! ;)

In the meantime, here's a nice Montana Sunset for you to enjoy!


  1. awesome pic!!!!
    Livin in Montana, 1 1/2 customers, hmmmm, sounds really good. where do i sign up?

  2. Weeellll, the "1" is technically two...they just happen to be at the same barn...then there's the "1/2"...maybe, kinda, sorta....LOL! So let's say "2"...its sounds LOTS better!
    C'mon up, poverty is character building!!...and the sunsets are truly spectacular! Whoo hooo! ;)
