Thursday, February 3, 2011

Scrubbies! my journey of discovery to find out how well I can do with practically nothing...I have had another "scathingly brilliant" idea!  It should have occurred to me years ago, but it didn't have the old saying, "Necessity is a mother....uh, THE mother...of invention"...yeah, that's it. ;)

Okay, so you all know the red net-like back that oranges come in? For years, I've held onto those things thinking they ought to be good for something. they looked like a cool net kind of thingy. So I kept them and they just piled up until I would get tired of pushing them aside to get at something else and would toss them.

Well, today I stared at one that I held onto from shortly after I got here, for the same reason "Ought to be good for something"....! As I pondered whether I should spend $2 for new pot scrubbies (the one I have is disintegrating) hit me...

Ah HA! This thing can be made into pot scribbies!!! Its plastic, soft and non abrasive!! Whoo hooo!!!

Here's it is in progress, I can get two scrubbies out of one orange bag!

There's the first one!
I used the string hanging off the bottom to tie it into a ball.Then make another one out of the top part.

Works great! Give it a try!

Hugs to all!

1 comment:

  1. So glad to see you're staying busy! ha ha
    We miss you here!
