Thursday, February 17, 2011

Still Kickin'...or Trudging...;)

Well, still plugging along. Have a total of five barns now, but I don't know if all of them will stay on a regular schedule. Hopefully, but...

Weather has been in the 30's and 40's all of February, so far. I remember talking to locals about the mild January weather and they kept telling me, yeah but wait until February! Uh...okay...more than half way through and its warmer than January! No snow to peak of...light dustings a couple of times, but mostly gone in a day! Of course, this isn't "normal"...but for a southern kid trying to adjust, I'll take it!

There might not be much snow, or "Montana" cold weather, but there is this....

How cool is that??? Sights like that are food for the soul!

Hugs to all!

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