Friday, January 28, 2011

Easy Come, Easy Go and One Woke up!

Well...I had a new customer....then I didn't!
Had a call last week from a woman. She and her husband moved here from Idaho, about the same time I did. they are only about 15 minutes east of here. That would make them GREAT customers geographically!

She had found my contact information online and was very excited when she called and I told her that, yes indeed I was taking new clients ;)!! We had an appointment all set up.....and then....
she called the night before.

It seems that her husband has a cousin here who "specializes in barefoot"...apparently the hubby didn't even know the cousin (or didn't know what the cousin does) but the family grapevine let him know! The woman called and profusely apologizing told me they felt they had to "give the cousin a chance." Well...okie dokey!

The bright spot is....remember the gal who was waiting for "good weather" to have me out to trim her two mares? Recall I said that I hoped she didn't intend to wait until spring??!
Well her horse's feet had other ideas and they seriously needed a trim. That woke her up and she called. Fortunately, the weather here has been downright balmy for the bast few weeks....MUCH better than
you guys in Georgia have had ....

So, its creeping along....sloooooowly....but at least the weather is great!

Hope all is well down there in the Southland!

Oh and...bitty kittie has discovered the indoor whirlpool...LOL!

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