Sunday, November 7, 2010

Westward HO!!

This week I am in Washington (the state ;)...this is orientation week for our school, the Equine Sciences Academy. We do this twice a year in various places around the country and this year one of our instructors offered to host it at her farm in WA.

Since I am now in Montana, it was only a 12 hour drive over here. The morning before I left...I took a shot of the mountains ...!

I drove through the night most of the way so I could get here early enough on Nov. 5th to get set up before the students arrived on the 6th. As I entered into Washington, morning was dawning, so I pulled over for this nice sunrise shot..

I stopped to take a look at the Columbia River Gorge, Wanapum reservoir

Doo Dog decided to explore a little...

Uhhhhh....I dunno....looks...a a big....hole?

Uhhhh...NOPE! Outa here!!!

What a sissy dog.

I'll be headed back to MT on the 10th....hopefully I will post more between now and then!

Blessings to all!


  1. Great pix!
    Are ya having a good time? Getting cold yet? All out of apple brandy?

  2. Sissy? I think he's smart! I hope you have a great time at the school. Montana looks so beautiful...wish I was there!

  3. Hey Pete! Having a great time...though not cold snow's VERY weird! Holding back on the brandy...for REALLY cold days! ;)

  4. Hi Lisa,
    Yeah, I guess Doodle dog is pretty smart at that! Yeah, Montana is beautiful...plenty of room..c'mon up!! ;)
