Friday, October 15, 2010

Uh Oh! Domestication?

Well, I have to give kudos to my mother who tried to domesticate me during my formative years and beyond. I resisted, but in spite of it all the teaching and watching did get "in." Its down right handy when you are without an income and have to make every source of food count. I knew how to do all this domestic stuff, just didn't want to do it. ;)

I also realize (again repeating my mantra "Where God guides, God provides") that part of my journey is to reconnect with skills that are rapidly disappearing from our society. Basic, self sufficiency has been replaced by quick, easy, convenience wrapped in an attitude of "I want it NOW." Its something we all need to wake up from because like it or not, believe it or not..we are in for a rough ride in this country and people had better learn to take care of themselves the way our parents and grandparents tried to teach us.

Where I am staying there are fruit trees. Plum, apple, and an edible crab apple tree. I nearly foundered myself on the plums until they were gone, but stared at the apple trees. Hmmmmm....that's a LOT of food that will go to waste! I did have the foresight to bring my large canner with me, so I broke it out, pulled up some information online to refresh my memory and got busy!

This picture shows pickled crab apples in the jars on the left, apple sauce in the jars on the right and that big bottle laying on its side? That's crab apple liqueur in progress. It has to be turned for 16 days, then the crab apples strained out. I've never had crab apple liqueur and this may be total yuk...but hey...I found the recipe, its easy and who knows? Might be great on a cold Montana winter night!

A neighbor has a small garden in her back yard. She offer up this thing...what the heck?? Its HUGE...about the size of a decent sized pumpkin! I knew it was some kind of winter squash, but don't recall every seeing a monster like this in my mom's garden. I finally found a picture of one on line - its a Blue Hubbard Squash. From the forums I visited, people who tried this squash for the first time say these are the best of the winter squashes they have ever eaten...sweeter and nuttier in flavor. We'll see! I'll save the seeds and maybe have some of these whoppers of my own next year. I like to grow things that don't require much of my attention. I just don't love gardening the way many people do. If I can get away with growing things that don't mind being ignored...I'm good to go!

I just pulled down the last of the apples one the tree in the yard, so I'll be doing something with those tomorrow, I think!

Don't worry folks, I'm still me...I'm sure this "domestic" spurt will pass! ;)


  1. You'll make someone a sweet little wifey, someday...

    Bwaaaaahahaha! Like a mustang alpha-boss mare pulling a plow; right?!

    just teasin'.... don't hurt me, please

  2. Uh huh....verrrrrrry funnnnnnnnneeeeeeee (ears pinned) ;)

  3. You'd darned well better remember to report back on that crab apple liqueur after the first cold night! AFTER you get your head out of the toilet (or hole in the outhouse, as the case may be), of course.

    PS Smokey and Inness say hey and they miss you but their hooves still look great, if I do say so myself!
