For those of you who haven't met him, Doodle is a rescue that came with me to Montana. Before Doodle, I never would have deliberately gone to get a Dachshund, but now that I have known one..they are really cool dogs!
However, one "problem" with them is that they have no idea how small they are...having been bred as badger dogs, they have a Git-R-Done spirit that will send them after things that are WAY bigger and that's why he went after that massive cow that I mentioned in an earlier post. I'm thankful the cow had more sense than Doodle Dog has! AS a result, Doodle is not allowed to roam here like he did back in Georgia. He would like to, but I can't seem to convince him that "You're not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy!"...there are things here that will EAT you!
Investigating a creek

Dogs rule in Montana. Pretty much everyone has a dog in their car or truck and they take them everywhere. You can even take them into most stores. I've seen dogs riding in shopping carts or walking alongside their owner as they shop in WalMart. Back in Georgia, Doodle hardly ever rode anywhere with, he goes everywhere. Everyone I've met, every home I've visited has welcomed him and encouraged me to let him out of the truck...something I hesitated to do on first meeting someone. But to them...its expected that whomever is visiting will have a dog along!
I grew up with a standard Dachshund (the same color as Doodle) and you are right; they think they're big dogs! Ours was outside with my dad one day when he decided he needed to go next door and whup up on our neighbor's three hunting dogs. (Two Irish Setters - this was back before they bred the nose and brains out of them - and one Pointer.) Yep, Koko got shredded and had to go to the vet to get put back together. After he healed up, he was outside again guessed it! But this time we were able to intervene before he got shredded again!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE Doodle! What a cute boy. The photos prove that! I have had dachshunds and love the breed. Great that dogs are welcome everywhere. I wish that were true everywhere. Many a time I could not stop at a store because it was too hot out to leave the dogs in the car for even a minute. Looking around in stores, I KNOW that my dogs are cleaner than many of the customers! :-)