Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Spring around the corner...Anxiety Risin'

Well, I know the frequency of my blog posts has slowed...mainly because there's nothing new to report. Weather is the same, landscape is the same, kitties and Doodle are the same...still have the same few barns (only three of which can be expected to stay on a regular schedule)....same, same, same....

Winter is stir crazy time here...nothing much happens, no events or anything to attend to make many connections on the horse front. Most folks hang out in the local "saloons" , if they hang out at its bars or nothing and that is SOOOOOO not my scene!

Things will start jumpin' here locally in April when they have the Spring Roundup and drive the horses through downtown Three Forks...
For those of you who are interested (yooo hooo, Mary Leslie?) this years Horse Round Up is April 22-24

This year they have anew thing...a photography expedition! (HEY MARY! ;)

I look forward to it and dread it at the same time. Just as I look forward to and dread the beginning of "horse" events here. While it will be a time to meet with horse folks and make more connections, it will require a huge amount of biting my tongue as I walk among people who  in many cases, treat horses in ways I am vehemently opposed to and work hard to educate against. Talk about a rock and a hard place!!

Anyway...with the world on fire and gas prices threatening to go to $4 or $5 a gallon...that will certainly put a damper on my plans since there is nowhere in Montana that isn't a hefty drive from anywhere else!! Add to that...I still need to find a place to rent where I can bring the critters up...gas prices could seriously effect that even if I find a place! I can hear my hair turning grayer by the minute! So anxiety is risin'...but I'm flexible and resilient if I'll roll with whatever comes ;)

Hope all is well with all of you.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Still Kickin'...or Trudging...;)

Well, still plugging along. Have a total of five barns now, but I don't know if all of them will stay on a regular schedule. Hopefully, but...

Weather has been in the 30's and 40's all of February, so far. I remember talking to locals about the mild January weather and they kept telling me, yeah but wait until February! Uh...okay...more than half way through and its warmer than January! No snow to peak of...light dustings a couple of times, but mostly gone in a day! Of course, this isn't "normal"...but for a southern kid trying to adjust, I'll take it!

There might not be much snow, or "Montana" cold weather, but there is this....

How cool is that??? Sights like that are food for the soul!

Hugs to all!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Scrubbies! my journey of discovery to find out how well I can do with practically nothing...I have had another "scathingly brilliant" idea!  It should have occurred to me years ago, but it didn't have the old saying, "Necessity is a mother....uh, THE mother...of invention"...yeah, that's it. ;)

Okay, so you all know the red net-like back that oranges come in? For years, I've held onto those things thinking they ought to be good for something. they looked like a cool net kind of thingy. So I kept them and they just piled up until I would get tired of pushing them aside to get at something else and would toss them.

Well, today I stared at one that I held onto from shortly after I got here, for the same reason "Ought to be good for something"....! As I pondered whether I should spend $2 for new pot scrubbies (the one I have is disintegrating) hit me...

Ah HA! This thing can be made into pot scribbies!!! Its plastic, soft and non abrasive!! Whoo hooo!!!

Here's it is in progress, I can get two scrubbies out of one orange bag!

There's the first one!
I used the string hanging off the bottom to tie it into a ball.Then make another one out of the top part.

Works great! Give it a try!

Hugs to all!