Monday, I was talking with a friend about the differences in "local culture" here versus in Georgia. I commented on my observations and experiences thus far in meeting Montanans and my struggles in "reading" them. My goal being to learn their "ways" and adapt as much as I can without losing who I am. The ideal outcome, in my mind, would be to learn to navigate with minimal missteps how they operate and interface with people and with life in general as much as possible, on their terms.
I mentioned that I find many folks here hard to read in that they are not facially expressive in the same ways I am accustomed to in the South. There is none of the exuberant "gentility" for which the South is known. A number of the local folks I have met, particularly native, generational Montanans seem at first glance, quiet, reserved, watchful and somewhat suspicious. That is not to say they are not friendly, to the contrary, they are...but its harder to "see" it in their faces and body language. Conversely, the general interactions in the South are akin to a happy puppy, bubbling with greeting and welcome. Even if they are suspicious of you, they don't show it as much. Here's its pretty obvious...;)
Now before you all jump on that, let me apply a caveat...there are indeed certain elements that retain the "clannishness" that is an attribute of old Appalachia, or any rural area for that matter. I certainly witnessed that for years in my North GA community. What I am talking about is a "feel" in a very generalized way of the different between "Old South" social interactions and those of the "Old West." I was told that while my observation is true, and many Montanans are slow to warm...once they do, they would do anything, go to any lengths to be there for you. So it is also with the folks in the South in my experience, they are just a little easier to read (because its what I'm used to) and often a little faster to jump in with you. So...not so different after all once its all said and done!
The Up
Yesterday, I went to a new barn, that is now a new customer. Awesome gal with four rescued horses and four goats. I was met at the gate by a very large Nubian goat named Panda. He was all about saying "hello", "pet me pet me", "whatcha doin'?" "Where ya goin'?"....rubbing up against me, going everywhere I went, often in front of me forcing me to stop and pet him before I could continue. The other goats were friendly as well, but in a more 'Hi, okay see ya, bye" sort of way.While I was working on the horses, Panda would stick his head through under the horse's belly ..."Whatcha doin'?" or come around and nibble on my hair or chaps. What a hoot! I have worked around many goats over the years, a number of them quite friendly, but Panda was by far the most "in your business" and happy goat I have met thus far.
Anyway, the owner is awesome and totally blew out the conversation I just had about the learning curve I have in reading folks here....she was warm, engaged, talkative and expressive, right off the bat. I left with a sense of ..."That felt like home." ;) Between her and the gals I met early on at the Helena barn, so far I'm making some nice connections.
So - good news that I had a new barn this week...and had an appointment with the first barn up in Helena for today. Yay! Back to back work!! Two days in a row...whoo hooo!!!
Uh...not so fast!
The Down
Enter a predicted snow storm. Well, I was all gung ho to "face the beast" no matter up, got ready to head out. We had agreed to touch base this morning to compare conditions here versus there....the weather can be vastly different from valley to valley here. Here, it was doing nothing, so knowing already that half of all weather predictions here don't happen, or happen when not predicted. Its just nearly impossible to nail down Montana weather. Got a phone call from one of the owners who has lived here for 9 years. In Helena it was well under way... high winds, snow blowing horizontal and accumulating fast. Snow isn't the problem...its ice patches plus a strong the road you go!! LOL! Plus, she pointed out to me that my truck is white...she has a white Ford Explorer and know first hand about the "white issue"....when its snowing so hard you can barely see past your hood...snow plows can't see you either...ESPECIALLY if you are white! Hmmmm...hadn't considered that. Although I have witnessed the plows in action here...holy smokes! They FLY down the roads....throwing snow up and off the roads in 15-20 foot archs! I can't imagine going at that speed...but they do. Apparently they are known for tossing vehicles off the road from time to time if they can't see them! YIKES!
So...I deferred to her experience, and her suggestion to reschedule....dang! But my mom would be proud!! LOL!!
So the a new barn, the bad...gotta wait another while to get to the other barn. SIGH!
Hope you are all safe and warm!
Miss you!
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