Sunday, December 5, 2010

Out of Montana (into Wyoming ;)

Headin' toward Cody, WY

Took a short trip to Wyoming to visit a couple I know in Cody. I've never been to Cody and since I had a chance to go with someone else paying the gas ;)....I went! Awesome town! If you are not familiar with the history and features of this town, its worth researching.

Anyway...these folks live about 15 miles outside of Cody on just under 12 acres on a river. They have their place up for sale, you can see summer pictures here at the Realtor's web site. Here are a few I took when there:


They have three horses, he is big into rodeo (its the culture in Cody). It didn't take long for us to butt heads a little about our disparate horse keeping philosophies. I let it go...nothing I can do there. Not now.

Back yard view of the river.
In the sprig they had a major flood and the river completely changed its course. Before the flood, the rivere was the border between properties, now its totally ON their property. Whoo hoo!

As you can see in the Realtor pictures, their home is huge and well appointed. But you have to be there to really appreciate it....its pretty amazing.

Their cat....

...stalking the Doodle dog! Watch out, Doo!!

These folks are great, they moved to Cody about 5-6 years ago from California. They run 6 different businesses (I can't name them all!) He is a Vietnam era vet...he is also a private pilot....they hunt, fish, he rides in rodeos...they have a boat, motorcycles, their own plane (a small Cessna) name it. But to meet them, you'd never know they were so comfortable... they are unpretentious and totally down to earth. They didn't build the house, they bought it from an artist woman who complained it was too far from Cody (15 miles?? Sheesh! She should live in Montana! Everything is "far" in Montana!)

All in all it was a great visit...Next to Montana, Cody WY would be the place to go!!

So back I went to Montana....and along the way.... Oh look! ....LUNCH! ;)

Cheers to all!

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