Saturday, March 12, 2011

China Syndrome??

I don't know about the rest of you, but I am keeping a VERY close eye on the events in particular the nuclear reactor that may be on the verge of a "China Syndrome" meltdown.

Why? Because if it goes, the wind patterns and jet stream puts Montana right in the path of fallout. Seem crazy? Maybe...but I am on high alert none-the-less. In particular, because governments have a habit of downplaying potential dangers like this so as not to "panic" the folks....I do not trust any of the reports that said they had it under control, or almost had it, or might have it or thing they will have changes by the minute and if they are admitting THAT much, God only knows how bad it really is...or might become!

So pray that it is contained, but in the meantime...I am preparing to jump and run!

Hugs to all!

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