Monday, November 22, 2010

First Snow

Three Forks, MT

Upon first learning of my plans to move to Montana, the first words from many of you were, "Do you KNOW how cold it gets there??!" Ummmmm, yeah...I did and I do ;)

The snow began a couple of days ago. It has been fairly light, but steady. So far we've had about 8" with more on the way tomorrow. Until now, its been oddly warm for the season. People here have been puzzling over the fact that Halloween came and went before the first snowfall and before any really cold weather. They tell me its very unusual for such a late snow season.

We seem to be making up lost ground.

Since this front started through, the temps have been between the low teens/single digits on the + side, to single digits, teens on the minus side. Yes, you got that right...its been in the MINUS teens a few times over these past several days and is expected to continue a couple more days. Shoot, that ain't nuthin' for us gals who are of an age to have "personal summers"...whoo hooo! Bring me some LEMONADE, I'm SWEATIN' here!!!

There is a danger for me in that, at minus 10 here, it just doesn't feel as cold as it does in Georgia at 20 degrees above! So I have to pay attention to the numbers and dress warmer than I feel like I need to do. I do still have all my gear from the days I was a Ski Instructor and Patroller back when Scaly Mtn., NC used to actually GET snow...LOL! It is coming in handy!

Not so easy for the Doodle Dog! I did have the foresight to get him a heavy winter doggy coat, but I didn't think about getting boots for him. The coat keeps him nice and warm, but I am having to use bandages on his feet. Its just so cold on his paws when he has to go out, he can get frost-bite in a matter of minutes! Its the best I can do for now, until I have some extra money to buy him some actual boots. On the plus side, he has learned to get his "business" done VERY quickly. I scraped snow off a patch of grass, carry him to it, and zippity-do-dah (pun?), he's done in 2 minutes flat! Maybe its because he's embarrassed about his outfit and hurries before any other dogs can laugh at him?

Don't worry, Doo...spring will come someday!

Hope everyone is enjoying the warmness in GA. I'm sure I'll get sick of this weather eventually, but for now, its just beautiful!

Now where did I put that Hooch?!

Here are a few more snow pics taken today - Nov. 24, 2010

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