I took some pictures of the critters and the house - which is WAY cool - to share with you.
This is Harley...the old dog. He is very sweet. He is weak in the back end so needs help getting into and out of the truck, but he sure tries and wants to be with you all the time. As you can see he is a Pointer and its hilarious to watch him as he starts down the drive to meet me, but every few feet he spies something and his DNA kicks in...so its running toward me, stop, freeze, point....running toward me, stop freeze, point...it takes him a long time to go a short distance...LOL!

This is Ace. Like Harley, he is a German Pointer, but he is the Wirehaired version, whereas Harley is the Shorthaired version. Ace is young and still learning. He had to be put on a chain or in the house when I had Harley out because the two boys get together, run off and get themselves into trouble! Ace is very high energy and also very sweet.

THIS is Scarlett O'Hairy. She is a Healer and is so much like my Kayah who died earlier this year that I almost lost it when I met her. Same personality, same obsession with sticks. I spent a lot of time playing with her, throwing sticks for her. She responded the same way to the same things I would say to Kayah. "Go get a stick!" and she was off to find one...then she would run to me and practically throw it at me, if I didn't pick it up right away, she would yip, pick it up and drop it closer and closer until I got it and threw it for her.

Here is my Doodle dog checking out Scarlett..."Hey, pretty girl!"

Here's another shot of the horses and mules, belly deep in prairie grass. These horses have approximately 60 acres to roam.

Their house in still in progress and has a great story, although I can't remember the details, except that the logs/timbers in the construction are from a Civil War era log house several hundred miles from here that they took apart and hauled the timbers here to incorporate into this home. The part I can't remember is the story about the original house. I'll have to ask again for the back story. Anyway.... he is retired Army and is building this home himself - he has never done anything like this before. If you like rustic log cabin type houses, this one is pretty cool!
The back of the house is adobe and the front is the log part.
Inside the house is impressive and far more finished than the outside. I love their rustic, rugged, no frufru style...very "western."
This is a table made of elk antler with a tree section for the top...I had to throw picture of this in. Love it!
More soon! Hope all is well with everyone!
Thought I'd post Diane's website showing the furniture she makes and her story.
The antler table above isn't what she does...I just thought it was cool!