you can check them out via the link. They have a nice deli which is a gathering place of sorts for locals and a draw for folks traveling through on I-90. I met a few of the gals who work there, all of whom have horses and were interested in my services. I talked with them a bit and gave each them my card. We'll see if that bears fruit. But its step by step...go out, meet and greet and eventually connections and business will grow.
A little fun yesterday...an Angus cow...a HUGE Angus cow came wandering down the neighborhood street, helping with lawn mowing duties. I went out into the street to watch her and Doddle dog followed me. I didn't think anything of it at first...he is a Dachshund, after all. He stared at her, then walked over and peed on a tire acting uninterested. All of a sudden, I heard him growl and he launched himself from under the car and ran barking and growling straight at this massive cow and nipped her on a back leg. She didn't move, picked up the leg slightly and slowly swung her head around to look at him as if to say, "What is that little pesky thing?" She was totally unflapped and uninterested and went right back to lawn mowing. Thank GOD she didn't kick...that would have been the end of Doodle dog, who came trotting back to me all proud of himself, as if he had accomplished something!
Soon, the couple who are caretakers for the ranch this cow broke out of came riding up on a 4-wheeler looking for her. Miss cow decided it was time to leave and ran to the railroad tracks just down the street and went trotting along side them. One of the folks said something about how common it is for cows to get hit by trains...no sooner was it said, I heard the train whistle in the distance. The caretakers headed to the tracks to see where the cow had gone, but did not go after her. The best approach is to hope and pray...chasing her might put her right on the tracks! Fortunately, she stayed well off the the side and the train passed without incident. Whew!!
Today...I looked out into the street around noon and...there she was again., escaped again and back for more lawn mowing. I wonder who hired her?? LOL!! I kept Doodle inside until she left - no sense in tempting fate! If she returns tomorrow, I'll try to get a picture!
Most people don't get in a big fizz about loose cows. They roam at liberty all over out here. There are even cattle guards across the on and off ramps of the interstate! Ya gotta love the West!
Soon, the couple who are caretakers for the ranch this cow broke out of came riding up on a 4-wheeler looking for her. Miss cow decided it was time to leave and ran to the railroad tracks just down the street and went trotting along side them. One of the folks said something about how common it is for cows to get hit by trains...no sooner was it said, I heard the train whistle in the distance. The caretakers headed to the tracks to see where the cow had gone, but did not go after her. The best approach is to hope and pray...chasing her might put her right on the tracks! Fortunately, she stayed well off the the side and the train passed without incident. Whew!!
Today...I looked out into the street around noon and...there she was again., escaped again and back for more lawn mowing. I wonder who hired her?? LOL!! I kept Doodle inside until she left - no sense in tempting fate! If she returns tomorrow, I'll try to get a picture!
Most people don't get in a big fizz about loose cows. They roam at liberty all over out here. There are even cattle guards across the on and off ramps of the interstate! Ya gotta love the West!